Mixcloud Playlists

We host our endlessly eclectic archive of great Gutsy shows on Mixcloud. See the playlists on our gutsyradio channel here organized by DJ shows and themes. To find playlists...
If you're viewing gutsyradio's show page on a PC or Mac, find the MORE tab under the page's header. A dropdown menu will display all of our special mixes, identified with a [G], as well as archives of individual show titles and DJs.
If you're viewing our user page on Mixcloud's phone apps, simply swipe left on the tabs under the header until you find the show title, DJ or playlist you're after. When the playlist name is highlighted, it'll display the playlist below, and you can scroll to find an individual show to play within the list.
Our archive grows every day, so check back often and enjoy your free access to thousands of hours of amazing curated music and talk from Gutsy Radio. And if you’re into direct links, here’s a cheat sheet to all the playlists!